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Read Black Wood (2000)

Black Wood (2000)

Online Book

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Black Wood (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

I couldn't get into this book. Nothing really happened in the first half, and most of the story is from a bird's eye view. I feel I would have liked this when I was younger, but looking at a paranormal teen book it didn't work. It didn't really explain how magic worked in this world, the characters were rather boring and unfleshed out, and to top it off there was no climax. Where there should have been a big battle scene there was a minor difficulty, and then everything resolved in under 10 pages. I really liked this story. Emily, a thirteen-year old girl is taken to Scotland by her father after family problems. They move into a spooky old mansion called Ravencourt Manor that was once owned by the dead grandmother. Emily misses her brother, Sam, who is left back with the mother, but when she's given a secret diary by a strange woman, she is able to make wishes and summons her brother to Ravencourt. The story is quite creepy and I'm sure children would love to read this just before going to sleep. Emily discovers that she has to do something to save her family and ends up getting into lots of danger. I loved the surprise ending and can't wait for the next book in this series. Jayde Scott is an amazing author who comes up with such great ideas.

What do You think about Black Wood (2000)?

It wasn't really what I was expecting, but it was a quick read and fairly good.

I wrote this story a few years back when I was into witches, magic and Latin.

Fairly good, though nothing to really rave at. A YA book to be certain.

Too vague, short and well, just okay.

Ended too abruptly...

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