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Jeffrey Quyle books

Jeffrey Quyle
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Read Books by Jeffrey Quyle


Against the Empire: The Dominion and Michian

The sun was blindingly bright overhead, and the air felt intensely hot. Alec’s eyes were still squinted closed, but he was aware of many bright colors around him. The buildings on the far side of the street were painted in extravagant hues, and the people around him mostly wore robes and billowin...

Against the Empire: The Dominion and Michian by Jeffrey Quyle

The Greater Challenge Beyond (The Southern Continent Series Book 3)

the man said when he had come quite close to Grange.  Grange cocked his head to look at the man.  His comment was random and irrelevant.  Grange then suddenly jumped back, as he saw that there was a dark shadow, darker than the other shadows cast by the flickering torch streetlights – a dark shad...

The Greater Challenge Beyond (The Southern Continent Series Book 3) by Jeffrey Quyle

The Lifesaving Power: Goldenfields and Stronghold

He had put his foot down and refused to wear robes for the dance, but had insisted on wearing a uniform of the Palace Guard, to show his pride in how well they had regained and improved their capabilities. As early evening arrived, the city of Oyster Bay rose to a level of social energy unseen in...

The Lifesaving Power: Goldenfields and Stronghold by Jeffrey Quyle

The Caravan Road

At the end of the week, three occurrences raised everyone’s spirits.  The weather broke in their favor, with sunshine and air that was so warm the snow around them began to melt day after day.  At the same time, their road began a consistent and noticeable tilt downward, which Kane reported was a...

The Caravan Road by Jeffrey Quyle

The Journey Home: The Ingenairii Series: Beyond the Twenty Cities

“I can only guess – either it’s because our bodies are connected, and so the connection prevents you from changing into a tree,” he paused as he reflected on what could have happened had she converted to a tree while they were grafted together, “or maybe simply having my blood in your body stops ...

The Journey Home: The Ingenairii Series: Beyond the Twenty Cities by Jeffrey Quyle

The Elemental Jewels (Book 1)

He remembered one boy whose reign as the oldest boy had only lasted for eight days, barely more than a week.  The boy hadn’t even gotten to enjoy all his perks before he was forced to leave, and, even worse, he had suffered from an attitude that was mostly self-pity during the eight days he was t...

The Elemental Jewels (Book 1) by Jeffrey Quyle

Rescuing the Captive: The Ingenairii Series

“We need to get out of here,” he told Caitlen. “That desk clerk may tell them that the Jag came back alone, and then they’ll want to talk to us again. Get dressed,” he told her as he picked up his own scruffy clothes and began to pull his pants on. He walked over to the window and opened it; the ...

Rescuing the Captive: The Ingenairii Series by Jeffrey Quyle

Preserving the Ingenairii

she asked. “It’s the day after we left our hut,” Alec told her.  He unwrapped his arms from around her and showed her the view of miles of beach that were welcoming an unending series of white waves.  His heart was still racing and his mind remained focused on the horror of the scene they had lef...

Preserving the Ingenairii by Jeffrey Quyle

Scarlet From Gold (Book 3)

one of Iasco’s guards spoke to Marco an hour later, as he stood at the rail and watched the last signs of land disappear upon the horizon.Marco followed the guard down to the sizable cabin that had been turned over to the small, striped woman.“Golden Hand, do you have any alchemy items that can i...

Scarlet From Gold (Book 3) by Jeffrey Quyle

An Unexpected Deity (Book 7)

she said as they sat in the darkness.     “It is morning,” Stillwater’s falsetto voice piped up.  “The sunlight cannot yet reach us through the clouds and the shadows of the mountains.”     “Let’s have a bite to eat, and then see if there’s enough light to ...

An Unexpected Deity (Book 7) by Jeffrey Quyle

The Cloud of Darkness (The Ingenairii Series Book 11)

“We are in Gallop,” Alec said.  “It’s the northernmost town I know that I can visit; I can’t travel to a place if I haven’t been there before,” he explained.  “I’ve looked around Gallop a time or two.”     Olivia took in a deep breath, and then exhaled.  “That was frightening,...

The Cloud of Darkness (The Ingenairii Series Book 11) by Jeffrey Quyle

The Southern Trail (Book 4)

the monster’s voice spoke in a raspy tone.  “There will be no mercy this time.“Are you alone?  Are there others here who will be able to witness the pain you’re about to suffer?” she asked as she lashed her tail free from the hardened rock that surrounded it.Marco stared in shock and consternatio...

The Southern Trail (Book 4) by Jeffrey Quyle

Perilous Travels (The Southern Continent Series Book 2)

He also found out he had quickly earned a nickname for the tournament, one that he picked up in his very first match.  His opponent was an older man who fought bravely, but not for long, against Grange in a first round contest that only lasted two minutes.     The crowd wasn’t...

Perilous Travels (The Southern Continent Series Book 2) by Jeffrey Quyle

The Gorgon's Blood Solution

“What’s wrong?” Marco asked.  “Is there trouble?”     “Look!” Kreewhite said breathlessly.  He pointed at the island.     Marco looked for several seconds, then suddenly realized what Kreewhite was staring at.     The island was a small ...

The Gorgon's Blood Solution by Jeffrey Quyle

The Guided Journey (Book 6)

a voice spoke melodically to him, soothing and low in its tone.     “Kestrel dear, can you awaken?” the voice repeated moments later, a note of anxiousness almost evident below the surface.     Kestrel inhaled deeply.  He was lying on his back on a soft sur...

The Guided Journey (Book 6) by Jeffrey Quyle

Ajacii and Demons: The Ingenairii Series

He had chosen that spot as the best place to stage his return to the land of Vincennes; the curative powers of the hot springs, along with the presence of the drayton’s agrimonia made it the location most likely to cure him of his disablement from the long trans-location jump. He tilted his head ...

Ajacii and Demons: The Ingenairii Series by Jeffrey Quyle

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