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Jennifer A. Nielsen books

Jennifer A. Nielsen
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Books: 9 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.26

Read Books by Jennifer A. Nielsen


The Runaway King (2013)

Enjoyed this second of three books about a young prince whose family is murdered and he has many hurdles to taking and keeping the throne. Fair amount of violence, so not for young elementary, but strong enough plot to keep the 5th graders interested. Good plot twists and messages of loyalty an...

The Runaway King (2013) by Jennifer A. Nielsen

The Runaway King - Raja yang Minggat (2014)

Kece bangeeeet! *histeris*Pernah ngga baca satu buku dan terbagi menjadi dua? Antara ingin menyelesaikannya cepat-cepat saking penasarannya tapi sekaligus sayang karena semakin cepat diselesaikan maka harus menunggu lanjutannya yang belum ada. Yeah, aku merasakannya dengan buku ini.Bahkan sama se...

The Runaway King - Raja yang Minggat (2014) by Jennifer A. Nielsen

Elliot and the Goblin War (2010)

Reasons for picking up this book and reading it were: to complete my Off the Shelf reading challenge, because I heard Jennifer A. Nielsen's A False Prince was fantastic and it was supposed to be a quick, light, fast read. I can't say I was disappointed. My only problem with the book (and its on...

Elliot and the Goblin War (2010) by Jennifer A. Nielsen

Mark of the Thief (2015)

This review is also available on my blog, Read Till Dawn.I have been reading/loving Nielsen's Ascendance Trilogy books for a couple of years now (click here to read my review of the first book in that series, The False Prince). When the last book, The Shadow Throne, was coming out I participated ...

Mark of the Thief (2015) by Jennifer A. Nielsen

Elliot and the Last Underworld War

(It’s pretty much the same as regular soccer, except that you kick around a chunk of stinky Limburger cheese instead of a ball. The only downside is that it smells so bad, nobody really wants to get anywhere near it.) If you have, then you know it’s very important to have a strong defense, or the...

Elliot and the Last Underworld War by Jennifer A. Nielsen

Elliot and the Pixie Plot

Others wake to an alarm clock on their bedside table. For some kids, their mother sings some annoying good-morning song while bacon sizzles on a pan in the kitchen.Elliot Penster woke up to Tubs punching his arm.“What?” he scowled, swatting Tubs away. “Stop that, I’m awake!”“Where are we?” Tubs a...

Elliot and the Pixie Plot by Jennifer A. Nielsen

The Shadow Throne

Darius and I had just had a lesson on how catapults work, and I was curious. However, my aim was off and instead of hitting the target, the boulder put a hole through the roof of my father’s private apartments. Fortunately, the rooms were empty at the time apart from one unlucky servant who saved...

The Shadow Throne by Jennifer A. Nielsen

Behind Enemy Lines

He raised his hands to calm the headache, then realized they were tied in front of him. His legs were tied, too, and he must have been this way for some time because his lower leg had fallen asleep and was tingling with pain.     Riq tried to shake it out, but the jostling onl...

Behind Enemy Lines by Jennifer A. Nielsen

The False Prince

The soft pastel light of morning seeped through the window at a low angle, so it must have been very early. I lay in bed for several seconds, orienting myself to the unfamiliar feelings of warmth and comfort. Then I remembered where I was and the strange game I was caught up in. The reality was s...

The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen

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