This was short and sweet and what I had expected. Plot wise, it's fairly an old concept but it was still kind of romantic. I usually shy away from novellas since they're too short for any character and plot depth but I wanted something short and simple and this was it. Only problem with this i...
In those five days, Charles had scarcely spoken more than a few words to her, in private anyhow. In the presence of others however, he treated her with utmost politeness and even feigned affection now and then. To the casual observer he would surely appear to be a solicitous and loving husband...
Moreover, it was her considerable enjoyment of the operatic performance that had her heading in the direction of the library the following afternoon in search of a particular book, one she’d noted upon one of her previous visits, the volume recounting the combined works of the seventeenth and eig...
“Well, I suppose I’d better round up the girls,” Rayanne said, as she lifted the plate that held the remaining section of the pink-frosted angel food cake they’d eaten for dessert from the table and carried it to the kitchen. Clearing the last of the dessert plates, Brit...
“Don’t forget this, my lady,” the obliging maid said as Daphne rose from the vanity seat a few moments later, grabbing the matching sunbonnet from a nearby chair and holding it out to her. “You wouldn’t want to ruin your lovely complexion with too much sun.” “Quite right,”...
Mr. Stewart, Charles’ solicitor for the past twenty years, read from the document he held in front of him. He lifted his eyes then, directing his gaze briefly toward the grey-haired woman seated to Melody’s right. Melody glanced at Charles’ sister from the corner of her eye, noting the look o...