The probable perpetrators were more likely Iranian sponsored Islamic Extremists rather than a communist cell but the results were the same, plus a degree, due to the additional attacks in California that weren’t in Liddy’s memo to the president. The terrorists had hit EHV ...
But he was a prepper with a problem. He lived on a cul-de-sac road, which was good. The bad part of it was it was on a hill. This would normally be good but in this case it put him in full view of the approach to the cul-de-sac and of most of his neighbors.Pretty much nothing went on in the small...
It started and ran rough for a minute or so, but then settled down into a modest roar. “Better get a new muffler,” Jasper said aloud. “Neighbors will have my head.” With a pleased smile on his face at his successful refurbishing of the old Sears rototiller, Jasper gripped ...
Her hand stilled, the pancake batter forgotten as the kitchen TV screen showing a commercial cut back to the newsroom before the commercial was over. The ashen looking news anchor’s hand were shaking the piece of paper he held in one hand. Kathy could hear the crackle of the paper he was shaking ...
A constant radar watch was kept to try and locate the wayward tanker if it was still at sea. Every time they saw signs of life ashore they halted and checked it out. Carefully. Twice the launch was fired upon before it got close to shore. The other times it was small bands of people eager to get ...
This one was for the Sheridan Ranch. She couldn’t stay, even for dinner, and Bandy watched rather forlornly as Ana-Bella pulled out of the loading area and headed down the street. It was the same two weeks later, for the second Longhammer load. ...
It was slow going through the thick layers of ash. It was drifted five feet deep in places. The rains had made it a heavy mess. But the U500 with front bucket easily cut a path. Though the ash was drifted in places, other stretches of the road had been blown clear before the rains wetted the ash ...