The probable perpetrators were more likely Iranian sponsored Islamic Extremists rather than a communist cell but the results were the same, plus a degree, due to the additional attacks in California that weren’t in Liddy’s memo to the president. The terrorists had hit EHV transformers, shutting down the entire electrical grid to New England. The same thing in California, isolating it, too, from the electrical supplies produced in the middle of the country. Choke points on the railroads all over the country were destroyed, limiting rail traffic to mostly local use, which wasn’t that much in demand. Coal fired power plants began to run out of fuel all across the country. Enhanced EMP devices were used in New York City; Washington, DC; Houston, Texas; Chicago, Illinois; Atlanta, Georgia; and Los Angles and Sacramento, California. Fortune 500 Corporate records, Federal reserve banking information, IRS and Social Security records, California and New York State and City welfare and entitlement records, and much private information was wiped from computers.