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Joe Abercrombie books

Joe Abercrombie
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Books: 12 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.19

Read Books by Joe Abercrombie


The Heroes (2011)

Много обичам да чета писанията на българските националисти и национал-историци за героизма на нашите прадеди, които с гърди напред се хвърляли в атака на нож срещу поробителя, геройски дали живота си за татковината и други подобни романтични изхвърляния, по-подходящи за фентъзи жанра. Отдавна оба...

The Heroes (2011) by Joe Abercrombie

Half a King (2014)

When I began reading this book, I felt like I had started in the middle of the story. I was completely lost and would have to go back and reread to figure out what was going on. But then it picked up, and by the end I was in tears! Without giving too much away, I will say this about the book: I f...

Half a King (2014) by Joe Abercrombie

Los Héroes (2012)

I ended up liking this far more than I thought I would (especially with the dark, blood-spattered cover). I'm knocking off one star because of the witch - unless I find out that whole subplot plays a role in Abercrombie's larger world, it felt unnecessary and poorly thought out. What the book doe...

Los Héroes (2012) by Joe Abercrombie

The First Law Trilogy (2008)

Wow, I'm at awe with this author. His writing is so simple and yet so effective, raw, and unforgettable. The characters in this trilogy are incredibly flawed, sometimes outright villainous, and yet, somehow, we manage to fall in love with all of them. We are right there with them in their most ...

The First Law Trilogy (2008) by Joe Abercrombie

Tierras rojas (2013)

Loved it. Simply amazing! My first, and so far only, experience with an Abercrombie novel that I would call disappointing.

Tierras rojas (2013) by Joe Abercrombie

The First Law Trilogy Boxed Set: The Blade Itself, Before They Are Hanged, Last Argument of Kings (2012)

Joe Abercrombie is the chosen one.If Tolkien is the Godfather, G.R.R Martin is Michael, and Robin Hobb is Connie, then Abercrombie is one hell of a Vincent.A new age Jesus of the fantasy genre, if you will.Believe the hype.These books are modern and stylish with great characters, great dialogue, ...

The First Law Trilogy Boxed Set: The Blade Itself, Before They Are Hanged, Last Argument of Kings (2012) by Joe Abercrombie

Before They Are Hanged (2007)

Joe Abercrombie has given me what I enjoy most in a novel: character growth and development.It has me on the edge of my seat to see those jerks from THE BLADE ITSELF learn and grow: a brain, a spine and a heart.Superior Glokta, the heartless cripple who tortures others and has no mercy or remorse...

Before They Are Hanged (2007) by Joe Abercrombie

Last Argument of Kings (2008)

4.5 starsLast argument of kings is an appropriately epic, dark and brilliant ending to a trilogy filled with great characters and a beautifully crafted, intricate plot. It provides a definite(if somewhat disappointing) ending to the trilogy that still leaves space for the characters and story to ...

Last Argument of Kings (2008) by Joe Abercrombie

Sharp Ends: Stories from the World of The First Law

The quiet joy of routine. It was something Mauthis was very keen on, routine. Canto tried to be keen on the same things powerful people were. He thought, perhaps, that might one day make him like them. He had no other ideas how to achieve it, anyway.     He frowned at a honey ...

Sharp Ends: Stories from the World of The First Law by Joe Abercrombie

Red Country

He was already awake. He had started waking before dawn, lately, ready the moment his eyes came open.     ‘That’s right. Get up. You’re wanted.’ ‘I’ve always had that effect on women. It’s a curse.’ ‘For them, no doubt.’ Temple sighed as he started to roll up his blanket. He w...

Red Country by Joe Abercrombie

The Great Leveller: Best Served Cold, The Heroes and Red Country

It was looking very much as if he’d used up all his cunning for the sake of another few hours alive. And cold, hungry, itchy, increasingly terrified hours at that. Sitting, staring across a fire at Shivers, bound wrists chafed and crossed legs aching and the damp working up through the seat of hi...

The Great Leveller: Best Served Cold, The Heroes and Red Country by Joe Abercrombie

The Blade Itself

Then he wiped it on the cloth, closed it and placed it carefully on the table, admiring the way the sunlight glinted on the mother-of-pearl handle.He wiped his face, and then—his favourite part of the day—gazed at himself in the looking glass. It was a good one, newly imported from Visserine, a p...

The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie

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