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Read The First Law Trilogy Boxed Set: The Blade Itself, Before They Are Hanged, Last Argument Of Kings (2012)

The First Law Trilogy Boxed Set: The Blade Itself, Before They Are Hanged, Last Argument of Kings (2012)

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4.5 of 5 Votes: 3
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The First Law Trilogy Boxed Set: The Blade Itself, Before They Are Hanged, Last Argument Of Kings (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Joe Abercrombie is the chosen one.If Tolkien is the Godfather, G.R.R Martin is Michael, and Robin Hobb is Connie, then Abercrombie is one hell of a Vincent.A new age Jesus of the fantasy genre, if you will.Believe the hype.These books are modern and stylish with great characters, great dialogue, a great plot filled with bloody action and comedic refreshment. A buffet of all the things that are lacking in the genre today, but with all the elements of fantasy that fans love.Say one thing for The First Law Trilogy, say its just so damn cool ;) Why 3 stars (and not 4 or even 5) ? Just because the third book was so depressing and honestly, a bit boring. Yes, I was bored. Mostly with the repetitions : yes, I understand that when someone "goes to the mud, they'll be burried and then they'll rot. Yes, I know that Glokta is in pain (bloody leg, bloody arse, bloody neck, bloody tasteless food, bloody gums...) *sigh* But I was also bored with the characters development. Or should I say their non-development ? Or their going-down-again ? There was the faintest glimmer of hope in the second book.Faintest...and short lived.I'm not against "darkness" now and then and I don't care about happy endings. But this ?I wish I had given a higher rating (considering how good the first 2 books were) but I just couldn't (considering how darker-than-this-and-I-might-have-died the 3rd book was).I'm glad I've read this trilogy though......Even if I know I will not put it on my to-re-read list.

What do You think about The First Law Trilogy Boxed Set: The Blade Itself, Before They Are Hanged, Last Argument Of Kings (2012)?

Loved it - Well devised story line with a fabulous cast of characters. Must read.

solid, entertaining tale, nicely orchestrated

A Must Read

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