I know this is a lot of material to cover, and I’m insisting on doing it more or less chronologically, but really there’s no better way to organize all the events that have happened so far. And yes, I know that statement is ironic, coming from me. Dabbling in Time as I do, I have had to juggle no...
After the TUPSF’s inception, in order to meet the pressing need for massive enlistments which the Salik War required, it was reluctantly decided to instigate corporal punishments as a means of keeping so many recruits carefully in line. There literally were times where there weren’t enough cadre ...
So when he mounted onto the saddle, for one split second he was on my Steed’s back, and then Fireleaf sidestepped right out of the saddle, bit, and bridle,” Zeilas told her, gesturing with his hands. “For one more brief moment, Captain Geldas just hung there in midair, clinging to the reins and t...