Theirs Not To Reason Why: A Soldier's Duty - Plot & Excerpts
After the TUPSF’s inception, in order to meet the pressing need for massive enlistments which the Salik War required, it was reluctantly decided to instigate corporal punishments as a means of keeping so many recruits carefully in line. There literally were times where there weren’t enough cadre to properly oversee discipline among the new recruits by using just the usual methods from the previous military systems. To the surprise of almost everyone—except for perhaps the most learned and philosophical of military historians, who remembered the ways of the ancient Prussians—corporal discipline was actually instrumental in shaping the Terran United Planets Space Force into the toughest, most highly effective fighting force the Interstellar Alliance had ever seen. To this day, it is mandatory for all new Space Force Recruits to see at least one administration of corporal discipline as punishment for unlawful conduct before their particular Class can officially graduate. Even if the convicted soldier must be shipped all the way across the known galaxy to a particular training Camp, they are required to witness it—but then again, with literally two billion people enlisted in the Space Force, there are unfortunately enough idiots breaking the rules and regs every day, and breaking them badly enough to supply enough examples.
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