Författaren Jonas Hassen Khemiri får ett oväntat mail från sin pappas barndomskamrat Kadir. På en säregen fransk-arabisk svenska presenterar Kadir en genial idé: "Låt oss kollidera våra kloka huvuden i ambitionen att kreera en biografi värdig din prominente far!" Fadern, den kosmopolitiske superf...
Was your trip okay? How long are you staying? Does it feel nostalgic to be back? The stairwell is weirdly quiet without your music. I, like, never thought I would miss a Rihanna instrumental on repeat [hums “What’s My Name?”]. How did it go with the book? It was never published, right? Does it su...
Thank your continued description of daily life as a Swedish debut author. Are you serious when you write that you trained all the way to Sundsvall to “chat books for three coffee-slurping ladies and a snuffling bulldog?” HA HA, this aroused much humor in me! Are you entirely honest when you write...