جبران !! ... إن كان لنا أن نلتقي في غسق الذكرى ثانية ً ، فسوف نتحدث معاً مرةً أخرى ، وسوف تغنّون لي أُغنية أعمق وإذا قُيض لأيدينا أن تلتقي في حُلُمٍ آخر ، فسوف نُشيّدُ بُرجاً آخرَ في السماء . أما الآن فقد هجرنا النومُ ، وانتهى حُلمنا ، وما من فجر . الظهيرة جاءت وتحوّلت يقظتنا في انتصافها إلى نها...
The Treasured Writings of Khalil Gibran is a comprehensive collection of pretty much everything Gibran wrote during his lifetime. As such, it is a very large book—containing 902 pages. I've been reading this 'on the side', while reading other, lighter books. While the size of the book may be inti...
Buku ini saya baca dalam terjemahan Indonesia. Memandangkan tiada dalam data goodreads saya iya-kan saja yang versi Inggeris ini. Tidak rajin mahu menambah data. Tambahan buku ini dibaca guna smartphones yang disimpan dalam google drive. Gigih. Untuk Kahlil Gibran. Haha. Entah keindahan itu apa. ...
The prolific writings of Kahlil Gibran, author of The Prophet, continue to inspire a devoted international following and have transformed modern Arabic literature. In this volume of early writings, Gibran’s simple yet lyrical style crosses from prose to poetry and yields insight into his dedicati...
When I reached the shore, the mist from the mountains had engauzed the region as a veil adorns the face of a young woman. I gazed at the teeming waves and listened to their praise of God and meditated upon the eternal power hidden within them—that power which runs with the tempest and rises with ...
The group was presided by Khalil himself and was baptized Arrabitah, or “The League.” Generally, the Arabic literature of the beginning of the twentieth century was marked by the revolutionary ideas advanced by Arrabitah members as well as by other Arab intellectuals and literary men who felt the...