—a saying TWO THINGS SYDNEY GUARDED MOST CAREFULLY. The first was her journal, where she recorded her life; the second was the window in the stable beside which her bunk staked out a berth. The journal was to record the wrongs that were done, for later reckoning. The window was for the pleasure o...
An actual paper letter, it bore the masthead of the United States Bureau of the General Standard. She hadn’t known until this moment that Lamar had been serious about altering her son’s scores, and her own. She and Mateo had been recategorized from “forward capability in key skill sets” to “advan...
—a saying JOHANNA STOOD BEFORE THE OPEN ARCHWAY leading to the Gond den, a place few in Ahnenhoon had seen. At her side was the stalwart Pai, aghast that her mistress would come to this place. She dabbed a perfumed scarf at her noise to dilute the stench. All the way from Johanna’s apartments Pai...