—a saying JOHANNA STOOD BEFORE THE OPEN ARCHWAY leading to the Gond den, a place few in Ahnenhoon had seen. At her side was the stalwart Pai, aghast that her mistress would come to this place. She dabbed a perfumed scarf at her noise to dilute the stench. All the way from Johanna’s apartments Pai had remonstrated against coming here. Johanna’s determination only fueled Pai’s suspicion that Morhab held her mistress hostage in some way. No doubt she suspected it had to do with Gao’s death three days ago, but Pai could only guess. Johanna had often longed to confide in Pai, but in the end she trusted no one. Pai pursed her lips. “It is not suitable, mistress. Have him come to you, if he desires company.” Company. If that is what Morhab wanted. It made Johanna ill to think it might be more. Lurking a few steps behind them was the damnably quiet SuMing. With the fortress in an uproar over Gao’s apparent suicide, SuMing had yet to tattle that Johanna had left her chambers that ebb-time.