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Langlais, Eve books

Langlais, Eve
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Read Books by Langlais, Eve


Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1)

Ethan wrote his note and then almost shoved it up Javier’s butt when he read his friend’s. But then, he’d realized part of her getting to know him included realizing he didn’t have the same flowery way with words Javier did. And, as his conscience reminded him, she hadn’t yet fallen prey to Javie...

Freakn' Shifters Bundle (3-in-1) by Langlais, Eve

Mercenary Abduction (Alien Abduction)

Easier said than done, and if by himself, Makl would give it odds of around fifty percent for accomplishing it alive. Dragging along a human, who winced when he killed to protect? Bound to either get him shot into pieces or catapulted into fame. It seemed his pretty barbarian, while cool and coll...

Mercenary Abduction (Alien Abduction) by Langlais, Eve

Seeking Pack Redemption

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Seeking Pack Redemption by Langlais, Eve

Wickedest Witch

He’d nearly expired of shock when he’d discovered the witch from the bar and his fantasy babe were one and the same. It had taken a lot of will power not to take her right then and there. The mating urge rode him hard once he realized who she was. It still did.     He could ev...

Wickedest Witch by Langlais, Eve

Lion And The Falcon (Furry United Coalition)

Clarice didn’t sleep with her bed partners. She didn’t cuddle. And she most especially didn’t lie splayed across them like a downy eiderdown, so relaxed and content she didn’t want to move.     What is happening to me?     They’d had sex. Great sex. So why ...

Lion And The Falcon (Furry United Coalition) by Langlais, Eve

Seth: Futuristic Spy Romance (Cyborgs: More Than Machines)

Refugees from the planet they were supposed to rendezvous with came aboard with wild tales of marauding cyborgs—score for the home team!—and brought along specimens that required guarding, along with a whole lot of disorder that Anastasia could have done without. But none of that compared to the ...

Seth: Futuristic Spy Romance (Cyborgs: More Than Machines) by Langlais, Eve

A Demon And Her Scot (Welcome To Hell)

For the most part, the River Styx meandered through the nine rings of Hell, its murky poisonous waters fairly calm except when one of its deadly denizens popped up to say hello to the fresh souls traversing. Charon, the robed entity who navigated the newly damned from the outer shore to Hell itse...

A Demon And Her Scot (Welcome To Hell) by Langlais, Eve

C791 (Cyborgs: More Than Machines)

She stared blankly at the console in front of her. The screen blinked and displayed several message boxes.Warning! Security system deactivated.Warning! Unidentified vessels approaching.Warning! Missile impact in thirteen seconds.Stunned, Chloe looked down to see her hands on the keyboard as if sh...

C791 (Cyborgs: More Than Machines) by Langlais, Eve

Date With Death (Welcome To Hell)

She opened her eyes to the view ofa frescoed ceiling—a very disturbing one with beings engaged in perverted acts she was pretty sure weren’t physically possible. She sat up only belatedly remembering her injuries. To her shock, she realized she felt fine. A quick glance down and pat of her body s...

Date With Death (Welcome To Hell) by Langlais, Eve

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