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Lecia Cornwall books

Lecia Cornwall
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Read Books by Lecia Cornwall


Ein unwiderstehlicher Spion: Roman (2012)

A man who's been playing the rake for so long, he wonders if he still remembers who he really is, and a widow trapped by the love of her child and the cruel terms of her dead husband's will into a family that controls her-- and despises her-- utterly.This is another I wished for a three-and-a-hal...

Ein unwiderstehlicher Spion: Roman (2012) by Lecia Cornwall

Secrets of a Proper Countess (2011)

I've slightly mixed feelings for this. The base plot, was good. But the entire tone of the novel is just so down and depressing with a shitload of snobbery. I'm used to lighter, happier, 'romantic' historical romance novels, so this was a little disappointing. You don't read books to be slapped i...

Secrets of a Proper Countess (2011) by Lecia Cornwall

The Price of Temptation (2011)

Lecia Cornwall was a wonderful new find for me earlier this year. I was really surprised and delighted by her writing and her characters. I’m always nervous trying a new author but Ms. Cornwall’s characters were so engaging I couldn’t wait to pick up a new book by her. Lady Elena is trying to liv...

The Price of Temptation (2011) by Lecia Cornwall

Once Upon a Highland Summer

He slid to the floor as soon as they were in the door. “Hold still,” she said, kneeling beside him and tugging on his coat. He gritted his teeth, but didn’t complain.“I’m sure it looks worse than it actually is,” he said, and she sent him a dubious look.“Does it hurt?” she asked, knowing it did, ...

Once Upon a Highland Summer by Lecia Cornwall

What a Lady Most Desires (2014)

The groom at Hartley House had advised him that Stephen had saddled one of His Grace’s horses and ridden out.     Nicholas wouldn’t have caught him at all if it hadn’t been for Stephen’s aching ribs and the arm weakened by weeks in a sling, which made him ride far slower than ...

What a Lady Most Desires (2014) by Lecia Cornwall

Once Upon a Highland Christmas (2014)

He stared up at the cold gray stones and they stared back at him, suspicious and unwelcoming. It was an unimpressive place, a forbidding stone tower with a pointed turret, half buried in snow.     Wilfred longed for the comforts of his father’s estates, the grand ducal palace ...

Once Upon a Highland Christmas (2014) by Lecia Cornwall

All the Pleasures of the Season (2011)

She told him she could not marry him, did not wish to see him again, and signed her name. By the time he called to demand the return of the betrothal ring, she would be gone.     Then she went to see Marianne. Her sister was making lists of parcels of food and clothing and toy...

All the Pleasures of the Season (2011) by Lecia Cornwall

How to Deceive a Duke

Her magnificent hair was tangled around her, and feathered over the velvet squabs like a spider’s web, glinting copper fire. He remembered the feel of it wrapped around his naked flesh, and the way her anger had melted to passion in bed. The rowdy reclamation of his bride had been arousing.  ...

How to Deceive a Duke by Lecia Cornwall

Once Upon a Highland Autumn (2014)

Kit looked up from where he was shifting the last beam that blocked the staircase. Megan came across the room, her eyes blazing, her determined steps ringing on the stone floor. He felt his heart leap at the sight of her, then fall flat at the anger in her expression. He descended the steps towar...

Once Upon a Highland Autumn (2014) by Lecia Cornwall

The Secret Life of Lady Julia

It had been quite a day. She had shot a man in the leg, almost killing him—probably. Someone had returned the pistol to her, and she’d tucked it back into her reticule. She tossed the bag into the corner now, not wanting it near her.     Stephen had been wrong. She wasn’t anyt...

The Secret Life of Lady Julia by Lecia Cornwall

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