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Read Secrets Of A Proper Countess (2011)

Secrets of a Proper Countess (2011)

Online Book

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0062018930 (ISBN13: 9780062018939)

Secrets Of A Proper Countess (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

I've slightly mixed feelings for this. The base plot, was good. But the entire tone of the novel is just so down and depressing with a shitload of snobbery. I'm used to lighter, happier, 'romantic' historical romance novels, so this was a little disappointing. You don't read books to be slapped in the face with so much realism it's like you're living the early 1800's - you read them to escape and the historical period just adds that extra bit of romance. So the snobbery and full reliance on appearance and reputation, however realistic to the period it might be, was a downer.There is not one single fully likeable character in this novel. There's no one to lighten it all up. Honoria is heinous, as is Charles and Jane.Miranda is a snobby brat, and Marianne is an interfering whore who I really wished had ended up dead. Adam was a bastard who didn't care about anything or anyone except his mission.The heroine, Isobel, was beaten down, but it was hard to feel sorry for her at times when she knew what would happen if she was seen with the wrong sort, and yet she still kept meeting Blackwood. She would think about what could happen (and eventually did happen) to her son if she angered Honoria or Charles, and she still fell into Phin's arms. It wasn't particularly responsible and I can't help wondering if a different woman in the same position would risk her child's safety for any reason. It was also painful that she never once questioned anything Honoria said, or that she didn't simply take her child and run.Phin was okay. He could be a real jerk at times, and it wasn't until the end that he became more of a 'hero' instead of a jackass. Plus you know, he was insistent he would recognize his mystery lady the moment he saw her, but he didn't. In fact the only time he recognized her was when she was in a completely different disguise. And after that it still took a while for it to click.The chaptering in this book was ridiculous. You don't need a brand new chapter for each change in scenery. The novel was a little dragged out, but it felt even more so because there was nearly 60 chapters. I really wish that events had happened a little faster, because I spent at least 50% of the time wishing whichever character would just hurry up and find out what they needed to. I'm glad Honoria ended up dead, as well as Jane Kirk. I was really hoping Adam would die when he was shot, and as I've said, I really wished Marianne would somehow end up being dead.But what can I say? Some people may actually like the characters. I wouldn't say this is a bad book; it was overall enjoyable, but I doubt I'd read it again. As this is the author's first novel, I would consider reading another of her future work's to see what it's like. There was nothing wrong with her writing style, I just don't think the plot worked out as well as it originally sounded.Solid 3/5. It's better than 2, but not quite good enough to be a 4. I gave this a 4/5 because I very much liked the premise of the story, writing and the main characters. A few things kind of took away from the book, but can be over looked if you keep in mind this is the author's debut novel. The plot was a bit uneven, and the use of chapter division was a bit distracting. I liked the unique characters and the fact that Phineas was certain he would know his secret paramour instantly but absolutely gaffed at cluing into her identity. I thought this was rather well done as he is supposed to be a spy with exceptional skill at observation but misreads Isobel due to the stereotyped image she actively (although not willingly) presents. The villains were a bit cliched; one dimension-ally greedy although it did seem the author made an attempt to round this out with a bit of jealousy. Some of the relationships morphed out of nowhere. For example Marianne instantly took Isobel for her BFF (and I mean that with it's modern connotation). The most significant issue for me was I couldn't see why the h and H fell in love, certainly the case was made for "fell in lust". There were hot intimate scenes right from the opening chapter and I will never eat a cherry without thinking of the scene in the conservatory. Lecia Cornwall is definitely a new author to watch and I look forward to her next work.

What do You think about Secrets Of A Proper Countess (2011)?

The first half of the novel was much better than the second half.

decent debut. bit choppy in editing & plot.

3.75 out of 5

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