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Leonid Gore books

Leonid Gore
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Read Books by Leonid Gore


El libro fantastico: (Spanish language edition of The Wonderful Book) (2011)

A very sweet, fun and imaginative book about the many uses animals in the woods think a book is for--is it a hat for a bear? a table for a family of mice on a picnic?--before they learn that a book's main purpose is for reading. The illustrations are just wonderful, I love the whimsy, the humor...

El libro fantastico: (Spanish language edition of The Wonderful Book) (2011) by Leonid Gore

The Wonderful Book (2010)

I read the Spanish version, El Libro Fantástico, in my continuing adventure to learn Spanish as an adult.This book is AWESOME. Several forest animals find a book and use it in various ingenuous ways. Of course, I'm partial to the little rats gathering around the book using it as a "mesa" becaus...

The Wonderful Book (2010) by Leonid Gore

The Secret of the Painted House (2009)

When her family moves from Chicago to the country, nine-year-old Emily is drawn to a mysterious playhouse she finds in the woods and soon meets its sad, lonely inhabitant.

The Secret of the Painted House (2009) by Leonid Gore

The Crystal Prison (2002)

In this second installment in the Deptford Mice Trilogy, Audrey makes a deal with the mysterious Starwife that she will journey to the countryside, taking the mad rat Madam Akkikuyu with her, in exchange for the Starwife saving her friend Oswald’s life. The two of them set off with her brother A...

The Crystal Prison (2002) by Leonid Gore

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