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Leslie Tentler books

Leslie Tentler
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Read Books by Leslie Tentler


Nachtruf (2012)

so this gets 3 .5 stars because I didn't pick the baddie... I listened to this on my commute to and from work and it filled the time nicely... I skipped over some of the description of the sex scenes, simply because they seemed to take forever to get through.. I like the narrator and have heard h...

Nachtruf (2012) by Leslie Tentler

Dans Les Griffes de La Nuit (2014)

Escogí este libro por las críticas tan buenas que tenía, pero, no funcionó para mí...El principio me enganchó, asesino en serie, víctima que escapa...bien....pero a medida que la historia avanza empiezan a saltar detalles que no cuadran, entiendo que es ficción, pero eso no quita que la historia ...

Dans Les Griffes de La Nuit (2014) by Leslie Tentler

Midnight Fear

Caitlyn asked as Reid closed her office door behind him. Despite her attempt to appear calm, she looked pale and as skittish as a colt. It was clear David Hunter had rattled her.     Reid rubbed the back of his neck, deciding to tell her the truth. “Agent Tierney thinks I’ve b...

Midnight Fear by Leslie Tentler

Edge of Midnight

Despite the fact that she’d been up since the early-morning hours, she still felt too wired to sleep. The discovery that Joy Rourke had really existed, her tense words with Grayson—all of it continued to weigh on her. As did the repeated news reports on Karen Diambro’s disappearance. With a sigh,...

Edge of Midnight by Leslie Tentler

Midnight Caller (2011)

She sat on the couch, cradling a cup of herbal tea between her palms as she attempted to distract herself with a late-night television talk show. But the host’s opening monologue failed to make much of an impression. Two minutes into his discussion with his first guest, a vapid blonde with collag...

Midnight Caller (2011) by Leslie Tentler


Ryan and Mateo sat in the Impala across the street from Ian Brandt’s estate, which was nestled in a wooded setting a few blocks from the Governor’s Mansion. The house was typical of the residences here—a gracefully aged, Tudor-style mansion with impressive stonework and veils of climbing ivy. An ...

Fallen by Leslie Tentler

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