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Lili Valente books

Lili Valente
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Read Books by Lili Valente


The Bad Boy's Redemption

He couldn’t focus on the mission at hand if he was worried about something going on back home in Lover’s Leap, and often the mission at hand was dangerous, high-stakes, and potentially deadly. His life had literally depended on compartmentalizing his feelings and keeping one world separate from t...

The Bad Boy's Redemption by Lili Valente

The Bad Boy's Seduction (Bedding the Bad Boy Book 2)

Her suitcases had finally been delivered, but she was enjoying wearing her sister’s clothes. They made her feel like a different woman, a wild, less predictable woman, who could only be expected to do the unexpected.     Deciding she could use some fresh air, she walked the fi...

The Bad Boy's Seduction (Bedding the Bad Boy Book 2) by Lili Valente

Magnificent Bastard

Way longer than last Sunday, when I finally laid eyes on more of Penny than her adorable little toes. Even her toes are sexy. As sexy as her quick mind and the way she makes me laugh and how she’s not afraid to call me on my bullshit. But then that’s part of the problem… I’m not a fool or the kin...

Magnificent Bastard by Lili Valente

One More Shameless Night

Crossing to the deck railing, she cast an anxious glance onto the patio below.     There Hannah and Jasper were busy setting up for their outdoor movie while having a lively debate on the merits of chocolate covered pretzels versus chocolate covered popcorn.    ...

One More Shameless Night by Lili Valente

Controlling Her Pleasure

Combined with the twenty she’d lifted from the frat boy too drunk to see what he was fishing from his wallet, the money she’d made in the past ten minutes brought Erin up to an even four hundred for the night. It made it worth the anxiety she felt every time she took her turn on top of the bar. &...

Controlling Her Pleasure by Lili Valente

Filthy Wicked Games

Harley watched her fingers curling around the heavy rock in half time, lived the moment it took for her to swing the lichen-covered stone over her head for a hundred frantic beats of her heart, and felt the clench of her gut as she reversed direction—slamming her makeshift weapon down at a slight...

Filthy Wicked Games by Lili Valente

Desperate Domination (Bought by the Billionaire #3)

Run faster. Faster! Hitching the red chiffon of her dress up around her knees, Hannah sprinted as fast as she could down the road toward what she hoped was civilization. But her legs still ached from the six-mile hike earlier and she’d only choked down a few bites of food. She was exhausted, runn...

Desperate Domination (Bought by the Billionaire #3) by Lili Valente

A Love So Deadly

–Irish curse My back arches and pain shoots through my nerve-endings as I suck in one greedy breath after another, agony slamming from my fingers to my toes, before rocketing back to my head, making me groan. My head feels like it’s going to explode. My eye sockets ache and my temples throb like ...

A Love So Deadly by Lili Valente

Commanding Her Trust

She wasn’t crying because she was sad. She was crying because sometimes it hurt to learn that someone cared about you. When you’d convinced yourself there was no goodness or softness left in the world, at least not for you, the unexpectedness of a tender emotion could be overwhelming.   ...

Commanding Her Trust by Lili Valente

Claiming Her Heart

Her mouth went dry and her lips buzzed. Her body felt numb except for the place where Blake’s hand squeezed hers, and she figured there was a decent chance she was going to pass out.     She couldn’t do this. Not really. She’d been a fool to think anything about this night wou...

Claiming Her Heart by Lili Valente

Dirty Twisted Love

Harley sat in the backseat of the tiny Figaro she’d bought their first week here, letting Dom play chauffeur as she cuddled Jasper. She did her best to memorize the feel of her son’s firm, warm body fitted against hers and the way the setting sun turned his drying curls into a golden halo around ...

Dirty Twisted Love by Lili Valente

Dark Domination (Bought By the Billionaire Book 1)

But according to everything Hiro had told him, “Hannah” was in perfect health. It was her aunt who was frail. So either she was truly scared out of her mind or she was faking it to elicit sympathy from the man who’d bought her. That would be like her. She was a master manipulator. Until he’d met ...

Dark Domination (Bought By the Billionaire Book 1) by Lili Valente

Crazy Beautiful Forever (Dirty Twisted Love #3)

Or the kind of thing he would have done before he realized that he wanted more than this, more than hate and revenge and taking his enemy down with him when his luck finally ran out.     As the cold wind rushed past his face, two words pulsed through his mind—Jasper, Harley. T...

Crazy Beautiful Forever (Dirty Twisted Love #3) by Lili Valente

Deep Domination (Bought by the Billionaire #2)

It was one of those un-put-down-able nightmares that sent her surging awake with her heart in her throat only to pick up where it left off as soon as she managed to fall back to sleep. In the dream, she was one of the Carolina Cult Girls, five young women who had been kidnapped from their homes w...

Deep Domination (Bought by the Billionaire #2) by Lili Valente

ALoveSoDeep (2016)

-Shakespeare The next time we make love is slow and sweet. I come into Caitlin with my heart so full it feels like it’s about to burst, and by the time we shatter—within seconds of each other, our cries muffled by a kiss—I am even more hers than I was before. I am a part of her, and she is a part...

ALoveSoDeep (2016) by Lili Valente

Spectacular Rascal: A Sexy Flirty Dirty Standalone Romance

As we wander around the men’s department of a store that smells like a cologne factory jizzed all over it, she hooks her arm through mine. Together, we pick out a couple pairs of jeans, two tee shirts, a button-up in case Julie insists on one of her big sit-down dinners, and two packages of boxer...

Spectacular Rascal: A Sexy Flirty Dirty Standalone Romance by Lili Valente

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