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Read Dark Domination (Bought By The Billionaire Book 1)

Dark Domination (Bought By the Billionaire Book 1)

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Lili Valente

Dark Domination (Bought By The Billionaire Book 1) - Plot & Excerpts

But according to everything Hiro had told him, “Hannah” was in perfect health. It was her aunt who was frail.
So either she was truly scared out of her mind or she was faking it to elicit sympathy from the man who’d bought her. That would be like her. She was a master manipulator.
Until he’d met Harley, Jackson had been certain he could spot a con around a blind corner. His mother had majored in emotional manipulation at Brown and his sociopath father had taught him early on the importance of realizing when you were being worked like a puppet on a string. By age ten, Jackson was a master at spotting reverse psychology; by twelve, he’d perfected his poker face; and by his fourteenth birthday, he had a plan in place to escape his father’s influence: a con of his own Ian hadn’t seen coming until Jackson’s acceptance letter to an exclusive military boarding school showed up in the afternoon mail.
But despite all his experience with the care and feeding of sociopaths, Harley had still worked him like a player piano, arranging things so perfectly he’d practically conned himself.

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