Tor My life was mapped out and planned to perfection. I knew exactly what I wanted and where I was going, until I was thrust into his world and ripped from mine. In the blink of an eye everything shattered, proving to be nothing more than a cheap illusion. Now I’m living in this twisted form of h...
She always seems so strong and implacable, that I never really know what’s going on in that head of hers. This small moment of weakness feels like something rare and precious. I hold her tight, never wanting to let go of this moment, to let go of her.Eventually though, she pulls away from me. “I ...
I’m never up this early on a weekend, but I even moved a client last night just so I wouldn’t turn up looking like I’d been run over. I’m not a day time, be your date at a wedding kind of guy, but fuck it. Money’s money, right? And it might not be so bad. At the very least the sister showdown sho...
"Shh, quiet now." He strokes my hair and bile rises in my throat. He lifts my nightie up and I scrunch my eyes together, praying that I pass out or something. I hear the unmistakeable sound of a fly unzipping and my heart breaks into a sprint."There's a good girl." He mumbles.My eyes dart to the ...
“Your hamster is actually fucking real.”I sit up on the sofa. “You saw him?”She laughs and shakes her head, handing me the piece of paper. “This was on the lobby notice board.” It’s a missing poster…for a hamster. Seriously, who even does that? “I fucking told you!”She holds her hands up as she w...
This week has been rough. My heart and my liver have taken a battering. Lilly has been her ever loyal self, ready with a shoulder to cry on and vodka in hand. I’m done though. It’s time to get my shit together. Life must go on as they say. I smooth ...