Conquered: She Who Dares Book Two - Plot & Excerpts
She always seems so strong and implacable, that I never really know what’s going on in that head of hers. This small moment of weakness feels like something rare and precious. I hold her tight, never wanting to let go of this moment, to let go of her.Eventually though, she pulls away from me. “I should go.” She says quietly.“I missed you.” I smile at her. “It’s been a really long time since I’ve seen you.”“You saw me last week.” “It wasn’t you. I haven’t seen my Lilly for a long time.” I touch her lips which are slightly parted. I want to kiss her. I want to take her home and never let her go. I know that when she walks out of this room she’ll have her walls up again and my Lilly will be gone.She drops her eyes, her eyelashes sweeping over her cheeks. “That girl is gone.”“No, she’s not.” I say quietly.“You want the happy go lucky girl, Theo. She doesn’t exist. That’s why we would never work, regardless of Cassie. The person you think you love…she’s a lie.
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