My eyes darted nervously from member to member, their gazes fixed on me and waiting for answers. Most of them had been around when it happened, yet I hadn’t experienced any hostility from them. Bloody Diane was the only one still bearing a grudge. Apart from Maggie Cunningham. I was faced with a ...
Hang on, it says here when you met that James Kelly bloke, you yelled Lapsang Souchong and legged it!’ ‘To be fair, he didn’t give me much choice! He touched my leg, I got a fright and spat tea in his face.’ Retelling the story made me feel disheartened. I was two candidates down with only one to...
As soon as Rose got to the hospital, she was whisked away to have her injuries assessed and treated. Noah and I sat in silence waiting for news, our feud temporarily on ice. His large frame was hunched forward and he made a little pyramid with his fingers to rest his chin on. ‘God, I hope she’s O...