Hang on, it says here when you met that James Kelly bloke, you yelled Lapsang Souchong and legged it!’ ‘To be fair, he didn’t give me much choice! He touched my leg, I got a fright and spat tea in his face.’ Retelling the story made me feel disheartened. I was two candidates down with only one to go and that didn’t come with a guarantee of success. I was seriously considering giving it up altogether and focusing my energies on something that would actually happen. ‘Fair point babe; from the sounds of things, I’m guessing you’ll be grateful for these?’ Fran reached into the depths of her taupe tote bag and pulled out a box of strawberry doughnuts. She slid them across to me with a sympathetic smile. ‘You’re a star!’ I tore open the box like a woman possessed and took one. ‘How come you were in so late this morning, by the way? Eleven’s late even for you.’ Fran looked up at me from underneath her long eyelashes, a smile dancing on her lips. Her engagement ring glinted in the weak November sunlight as she fiddled with it.
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