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Marcus Sakey books

Marcus Sakey
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Read Books by Marcus Sakey


Die Abnormen (2014)

This is the first in a trilogy, and one of those rare books that I had to force myself to stop reading in order to get some sleep. The premise is brilliant (pun intended): an strange phenom began in the early 1980s in which babies were born super gifted; their gifts varied as did their level of b...

Die Abnormen (2014) by Marcus Sakey

Brilliance (2013)

A thriller with a slight science fiction edge, this book is set in the present day - but in a world where for the past 30+ years, about one percent of children have been born with extreme savant/genius like talents, for reasons no one knows. The protagonist is himself one of these "abnorms," but...

Brilliance (2013) by Marcus Sakey

A Better World (2014)

Nothing spectacular about this book. It was a good follow-on to the previous novel, but lacked some of the heart that showed in the first. Also, I disagreed with the choice of making one of the Brilliants into something more super-natural, rather than an extension-of-natural as all other Brilli...

A Better World (2014) by Marcus Sakey

Akıl Labirenti (2012)

Her ne kadar akıcı bir kitap olmuşsada farklı bir olay ve anlatım tarzı kullanılmamış...Bu tarz da sayısız kitap ve film örnekleri var..Sadece kişi ve yer isimleri değiştirilmiş mistik bir olay olan hafıza kaybı ve cinayeti konu alıyor..."Her hayvan kaçabilir,düşünüp çözüm bulmak ise sadece insan...

Akıl Labirenti (2012) by Marcus Sakey

Amateurs, The (2009)

Let me state up front that I had problems with the book. The characters were too immature word for me as a reader. All four of our main characters were just too damn whiney and self-absorbed for me to really care what happened to them. We have one individual who complains that he always wanted to...

Amateurs, The (2009) by Marcus Sakey

The Blade Itself (2007)

Good but not great. I read Marcus Sakey's book Brilliance which I thought was excellent and it made me want to read more from this author. This book just didn't do it for me though. The pacing was just too slow and it was just far too easy to put this book down and walk away from it; and there...

The Blade Itself (2007) by Marcus Sakey

The Amateurs

On his back. Sirens. Movement around him. Cool pressure on his eye. Words. “Male, approximately thirty, blunt trauma to the head and eye, probable concussion . . .” “Am I . . . where?” “You’re in an ambulance. Lay still.” The figure touching his cheek, his nose, sliding something into his nostril...

The Amateurs by Marcus Sakey

The Two Deaths of Daniel Hayes

D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye Someone had hooked electrodes up to either ear and slammed waves of electricity through his skull. His brain was static and noise. Questions surged on that buzzing sea, thoughts tumbled and spun. The mop handle slipped from his fingers and hit the floor with a ...

The Two Deaths of Daniel Hayes by Marcus Sakey

At the City's Edge

Dirty Clothes Anthony DiRisio stood in front of the windows, arms at his side. Hell of a view. The skyline to the south, Lincoln Park spilling east, beyond that, the lake, blue-gray water dotted with colorful sails.     Elena Cruz lived pretty good for a policewoman.  &nb...

At the City's Edge by Marcus Sakey

Written in Fire (The Brilliance Trilogy Book 3)

They were in Hawk’s room again. He’d cleaned it up. It just sort of felt right, like something he would do before leaving on a long trip, even though he wasn’t going anywhere. He sat on the bed, John in the chair. His friend looked tired, but comfortable, too, as if he was okay to let down his gu...

Written in Fire (The Brilliance Trilogy Book 3) by Marcus Sakey

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