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Marjorie M. Liu books

Marjorie M. Liu
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Books: 18 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.05

Read Books by Marjorie M. Liu


L'Appel des ombres (2012)

Enjoyed the continuation of Maxine's story, I still feel the writing style is a bit over worded and found there were pages I was skim reading because descriptions just dragged on and on detracting from the flow of the story.Liu builds such a complex world and explanations are slow to come for man...

L'Appel des ombres (2012) by Marjorie M. Liu

Darkness Calls (2009)

I like the way Liu handles the romance component of her books and stories--they aren't romance, they aren't sex, they're LOVE. I also like the way she handles raising the stakes and taking the characters to a higher level of cosmic importance. No matter how strange her material, she makes it seem...

Darkness Calls (2009) by Marjorie M. Liu

A Wild Light (2010)

Maxine wakes up one morning with a dead body next to her, and absolutely no memory of Grant whatsoever. I know this premise sounds like some kind of literary trick, but I have to admit, it turned out pretty fantastic. Where "Darkness Calls" was confusing, "A Wild Light" is illuminating, and I'm o...

A Wild Light (2010) by Marjorie M. Liu

In the Dark of Dreams (2010)

I just love the Dirk & Steele novels! No two novels are alike, as different characters are featured. There are so many different supernatural people in these stories. The main characters are a young woman, Jenny, who had found a young merboy on the beach of her family's home in Maine when s...

In the Dark of Dreams (2010) by Marjorie M. Liu

The Mortal Bone (2011)

Apparently, I read the first four Hunter Kiss books before joining Goodreads. I will need to read the series again and write reviews for the first three books. In the meantime, I have been putting off reading Labyrinth of Stars, because I know I will be a Burrito of Sadness at the ending of this ...

The Mortal Bone (2011) by Marjorie M. Liu

Within the Flames (2011)

One of Dirk and Steele's Agency valued members is Eddie. He came to them a very young boy in dire straits. Eddie is a pyrokinetic and former car thief and will do most anything for the Agency. But he is having an awful day. He has just found out that the man who killed his sister has been let out...

Within the Flames (2011) by Marjorie M. Liu

Labyrinth of Stars (2014)

This book is a nonstop action fest, with Maxine careening from one crisis to another for nearly 300 pages. There are a lot of major changes for the characters in this book, and it provides a big turning point for the series. However, Liu's writing can sometimes be a little opaque and I had to r...

Labyrinth of Stars (2014) by Marjorie M. Liu

Tiger Eye (2005)

He looks out of place in Dela Reese's Beijing hotel room- exotic and poignant, some mythic, tragic hero of an epic tale. With his feline yellow eyes, he's like nothing from her world. Yet Dela has danced through the echo of his soul and knows this warrior will obey her every command.Hari has been...

Tiger Eye (2005) by Marjorie M. Liu

The Red Heart of Jade (2006)

The grisly murders are just the beginning. Dean Campbell, ex-cop and clairvoyant, is sent to investigate. He is with the Dirk & Steele Detective Agency, that global association of more-than-human men and women. Shapeshifters, psychics and other paranormals, Dean and his peers are devoted to prote...

The Red Heart of Jade (2006) by Marjorie M. Liu

Soul Song (2007)

Against her will, Kitala Bell can foresee the future. But only darkness and violence . . . and death. And now it is her own future that is in peril. Her fate is in the hands of a prince of the sea. More than a man�impossibly beautiful and dangerous, with a voice that can seduce and hypnotize� M'...

Soul Song (2007) by Marjorie M. Liu

X-Men: Dark Mirror (2006)

Feared and mistrusted by the very people they have sworn to protect, the X-Men are a band of mutant heroes dedicated to defending humans from those mutants who would use their powers to harm and destroy. Blessed -- some would say cursed -- with awesome abilities, the members of the X-Men are Eart...

X-Men: Dark Mirror (2006) by Marjorie M. Liu

The Last Twilight (2008)

Doctor Rikki Kinn is one of the world's best virus hunters. It's for that reason she's in the Congo, working for the CDC. But when mercenaries attempt to take her life to prevent her from investigating a new and deadly plague, her boss calls in a favor from an old friend- the only one who can hel...

The Last Twilight (2008) by Marjorie M. Liu

The Iron Hunt

Freak accident on a stretch of Oklahoma highway. Not many other vehicles involved, but a semi changed lanes, colliding with a sedan, and things got ugly. Big fire, unconscious driver. My mother never hesitated. She disappeared into the blaze and came back, clothes burning, hair on fire. A man dra...

The Iron Hunt by Marjorie M. Liu

The Fire King

None of those was an option, especially the latter. Karr had no papers, no identification—something Roland should have considered before telling Soria to journey south to Beijing. Unless he had intended for her to leave Karr behind. Leave him for Long Nu or Serena? Had Roland made a deal with one...

The Fire King by Marjorie M. Liu

The Wild Road

Not much in the way of personality. All the houses were small and made of brick, with wide porches and scrappy yards. The Impala purred. Lannes parked behind a white pickup. He and the woman got out of the car. The air was cool.The neighborhood was quiet, but that was merely a lull-he heard doors...

The Wild Road by Marjorie M. Liu

Hunter Kiss: A Companion Novella

Liu One My mother used to say that the tale of the world is drawn in blood, blood in flesh, veins forking into destiny like the branches of the tree from which the apple hung and the serpent danced, trading whispers for the corruption of innocents. Good and evil, knowledge and choice. And there, ...

Hunter Kiss: A Companion Novella by Marjorie M. Liu

Labyrinth of Stars (A Hunter Kiss Novel)

That’s the lie we tell ourselves. It’s a good one. I think we’ve been clinging to it for ten thousand years. It’s as much a tradition as nameless fathers, bad tempers, and black hair.     But again, it’s a lie. Our skin is unbreakable, but not our hearts. And besides that, we ...

Labyrinth of Stars (A Hunter Kiss Novel) by Marjorie M. Liu

Shadow Touch

The explosive pain in his head and chest felt immense as a thundercrash—lethal, final—so that when he fell into the nightmare it was the same as hell, that ready inferno waiting sharp as a kiss of hot iron, burning his mind blind with the furious tide of his sins. It was a nightmare symphony, scr...

Shadow Touch by Marjorie M. Liu

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