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Mark Clifton books

Mark Clifton
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Read Books by Mark Clifton


What Thin Partitions

I asked my secretary when she brought in my share of the morning's memos.She dropped the papers into my IN box and backed away from the desk as if it were a hot fire."Now Mr. Kennedy,” she began warily. “You're not going to start stirring things up again are you?” She looked as if she wanted to r...

What Thin Partitions by Mark Clifton

When They Come from Space

Kibbie. His was the true gambler's attitude; that it is more fun to play for high stakes than for low, and not without status value among those who know the game; that sometimes you win, sometimes you lose; but basically you play just because there isn't anything else to do.Nor were all others of...

When They Come from Space by Mark Clifton

They'd Rather Be Right

“I’m Steve Flynn,” he told them, and shook hands heartily with Billings, then Hoskins, and, because a good publicity man never overlooks a bet, with Joe. “We’re letting one of the wire services scoop the world by having their master-mind sleuths discover you boys and Bossy are responsible for thi...

They'd Rather Be Right by Mark Clifton

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