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Read What Thin Partitions

What Thin Partitions

Online Book

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What Thin Partitions - Plot & Excerpts

I asked my secretary when she brought in my share of the morning's memos.She dropped the papers into my IN box and backed away from the desk as if it were a hot fire."Now Mr. Kennedy,” she began warily. “You're not going to start stirring things up again are you?” She looked as if she wanted to run right back to her own office, and maybe right on out of the plant."Isn't it about time?” I wondered."Why don't you let sleeping dogs lie, Mr. Kennedy?"’ she asked plaintively. “It's been so nice these last few months.""Can't think of anything more useless than a sleeping dog lying around,” I grumbled. “That's the trouble. Trouble with everybody. Everybody's massively fed, massively diverted, massively tranquilized-""Peace, it's wonderful,” she murmured."Most dangerous condition this country ever faced,” I said. “Want to know something, Sara? Even the usually discontented intellectuals have gone over to this happy-happy kick where anybody who views-with-alarm is a you-know-what.

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