The light from the window was muted by the soporific smoke that wreathed the room. Naked boys lay in narcotic repose on the giant round bed. In the middle of the bed, the Dostori Rev lay naked, running her hand through the brown curls of one of her slaves, his head lying on her breast. The wan...
The man across from him, pointed at itself, and then said, “Mike,” and pointed back at him. He didn’t understand at first, until the demon next to him pointed at itself and said, “Everett.” Then Everett pointed at him. Then “Rob,” “Tom,” “Richard,” “Murph,” “Bobby,” and “Brian,” all said their...
He stood in the back yard, two Eskrima sticks whirling through the air. He spent his morning doing yoga, stretches, calisthenics, and a variety of different katas from many different styles of martial arts. He was limber and fast. His katas were flawless, the product of centuries of practice. Now...