He stood in the back yard, two Eskrima sticks whirling through the air. He spent his morning doing yoga, stretches, calisthenics, and a variety of different katas from many different styles of martial arts. He was limber and fast. His katas were flawless, the product of centuries of practice. Now he used the ironwood sticks to go through his Filipino Eskrima Sinawali exercises. The two sticks flashed through the air as they weaved in and out in the stylistic katas. Lately, he put emphasis on his Krav Maga and Filipino styles of fighting. They were more direct, with less movement, aimed at destroying the enemy as quickly as possible. He still had other techniques that he gleaned from Aikido and Wushu. He enjoyed running through the various styles to keep himself limber, and maintain his mastery over them. He was worlds away from where he began, with the simple Greco-Roman style of grappling and the Roman method of using the shield and gladius. He was starting to sweat, his body steaming in the cold of the October morning.