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Michael Carroll books

Michael Carroll
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Read Books by Michael Carroll


Super Human (2010)

The book "Super Human" was a well written and intense for my taste but well written and descriptive. The end however kind of confused me and I wonder how the continued the series. I like how the author wrote with so much imagination, that was the strength of this book. The weakness was how Pyroki...

Super Human (2010) by Michael Carroll

The Ascension: A Super Human Clash (2011)

Great second book in the series. I am super annoyed by Max, and I wish someone would be able to stop him from controlling everyone's minds. Other than that, I thought it was good. It was a little frustrating that it ends basically the same time as the first book, but that's OK. I was annoyed that...

The Ascension: A Super Human Clash (2011) by Michael Carroll

Stronger: A Super Human Clash (2012)

The sheets were overlapped to eliminate any gaps that might allow a breeze to blow through. Instead, a thin slot in the door, about a foot above the ground, was the only form of ventilation. The hot box was outside the huge dome that covered the mine, on the south side to catch more of the sun. E...

Stronger: A Super Human Clash (2012) by Michael Carroll

The Awakening

“We’re taking civilian transport, so we’re going to have to pass through a few public areas. Colin’s parents are going first.”“What if we refuse?” Danny said.One of the soldiers held up the pistol and turned it in the light for them to see. “This is a ten-millimeter Auto Glock 20C. It’s a little ...

The Awakening by Michael Carroll

The Gathering: Quantum Prophecy 2

“Where’s Renata?” he asked, looking at Danny. Danny looked around. “She could still be in bed.” “She’s not. We logged her going out on to the roof last night with you, but she never logged back in. What happened, Danny?” “I’ve no idea. Maybe she’s still up there?” Josh sighed and walked right up ...

The Gathering: Quantum Prophecy 2 by Michael Carroll

The Cold Light of Day

O’SHAUGHNESSY pulled back on the throttle of his Blenderbike and risked a quick glance behind him. Vavavoom Grupp, lead rider of the Bearangel Clan, was still right on his tail, breathing his exhaust fumes, just as she had been for the past eighty kilometres. The screen mounted between the handle...

The Cold Light of Day by Michael Carroll

The Reckoning: Quantum Prophecy Book 3

“Do your lipreading thing.” Three stories below, a heavyset man in a baseball cap was holding a thick package while he watched the approach of a woman wearing an expensive-looking overcoat. Grant adjusted the focus of the binoculars. “OK. She’s just said, ‘What do you have for me?’…Can’t make out...

The Reckoning: Quantum Prophecy Book 3 by Michael Carroll

Footsoldiers: A Super Human Clash Special From Philomel Books

Published by The Penguin Group.     Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014, U.S.A.     Penguin Group (Canada), 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario M4P 2Y3, Canada (a division of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc.).  &...

Footsoldiers: A Super Human Clash Special From Philomel Books by Michael Carroll

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