I could list this under historic as well as mystery because it's set in 1970s San Francisco. I didn't---it reads like a current mystery. Maggie, is suddenly dropped by her husband. He has a new, younger model to grace the proper clubs and parties for the business man on the go. When the editor of...
If I’d needed another reminder of the fragility of human life and human enterprise, and I wasn’t at all sure I had, Pedro’s death had presented it to me. Leaden with intimations of mortality, I made slow progress.When I reached Mas Rose, I found a semblance of order restored. Marcelle was in the ...
said Elmore. “I watched the boat the whole way over there.” Some of the recent lines of strain had eased from Elmore’s face. His pale eyes were timidly jubilant. Bo Calhoun signaled to Moody Winchester for another drink and lit a cigarette. “You bet...
He knew he was in a hospital, and he had the spooky feeling that maybe his eyes had been sewn shut. A doctor could sew your eyes closed if he took a notion. He could sew your eyes closed to punish you, and Buddy reckoned he was going to be punished six ways from Sunday. Bu...