This was quite a difficult book to rate as the heartbreaking story of the Somalian war is depicted through the stories of 3 very different characters whose paths cross at at event in the first chapter. The daily struggles of Somalian life and the impact of the conflict is viewed through the eye...
Her red plastic thong sandals hang delicately from her fingers, and beads of water drip from the trees as if the branches are shaking their fingers dry, splashing her face and neck in mischief. She hides behind the wide trunk of a willow near two crouched figures, her face framed in a scorched cl...
Jama stood up and walked to the bow. After docking, a man in a vest announced, “Assab, Eritrea.” Jama had to keep pushing back the clamoring bodies behind him, who crushed him as they yelled to be let off. Finally, a gangplank was placed against the vessel and the gate released. Jama followed the...