This book is an amazing story of human resilience. Based on over 1200 letters written between a prisoner and his beloved, this book is an incredible story and it happened. Letters are the details of our hearts, poured out in handwriting and ink. It is easy to forget that with all of our electroni...
I found Orlando Figes' "A People's Tragedy" to be an excellent introduction on the topic of the Russian Revolution. Before proceeding, however, I would like to point out that this massive 800-page masterpiece can only be considered "introductory" by a professional historian or a history buff like...
Stravinskij proclamo’:L’odore della terra russa e’ diverso, e queste sono cose che non si possono dimenticare… (502)Cosa significava essere russi? Qual era il posto e la missione della Russia nel mondo? E dov’era l’autentica Russia? In Europa o in Asia? San Pietroburgo o Mosca? L’impero zarista o...
This is a vital article published recently in The Nation about this controversial book and why it was not published in Russia after two attempts by different publishers. I hope that in its wake its readers' rankings would be less upbeat.Orlando Figes and Stalin's Victims. Peter Reddaway and Steph...
Natan Altman: Portrait of Anna Akhmatova, 1914. Copyright © 2002, State Russian Mu Portrait of Anna Akhmatova, Notes on the Maps and Text Notes on the Maps and Text Notes on the Maps and Text MAPS MAPS MAPS MAPS MAPS Place names indicated in the maps are those used in Russia before 1917. Soviet n...
By 24 May* Trotsky had encouraged the declaration. Speaking in the Kronstadt Soviet on 14 May he had said that what was good for Kronstadt would later be good for any other town:'You are ahead and the rest have fallen behind.' Trotsky, however, was not yet a member of the Bolshevik Party.the rebe...
‘All my letters should begin, I think, with the same words, “nothing new”, which is to say: we dig, we organize our batteries, and every night we sit and drink around the campfire; every day two companies of men are taken off to hospital.’1 With the failure of the assaults on the Malakhov and the...