"...people could close their eyes to greatness, to horrors, to beauty, and their ears to melodies or deceiving words. But they could not escape scent. For scent was a brother of breath. Together with breath it entered human beings, who could not defend themselves against it, not if they wanted to...
So, I suppose you could say I read the book. And I liked it. One of those books that actually dosen't have meaning if you don't think her over afterwards. So here's my thinking about her. In the beginig, story is fictional. It goes on about flying, climbing on very high trees, and it's very natur...
الكونتراباصمسرحيةترجمة: كاميران حوجطبعة: منشورات الجملالطبعة الأولي 2011الكونتراباص (مونودراما): مسرحية من فصل واحد. بطلها عازف كونتراباص. كل ما سنشاهده علي المسرح: عازف الكونتراباص. كونتراباص. مشغل اسطوانات. زجاجة بيرة. وهي أول أعمال باتريك زوسكند، والسبب في شهرته الواسعة. فعندما كانت تعرض علي ا...
The author reveals the hidden source of his fiction - an obsession with the darkly erotic link between love and death.
Au XVIIIe siècle vécut en France un homme qui compta parmi les personnages les plus géniaux et les plus horribles de son époque. Il s'appelait Jean-Baptiste Grenouille. Sa naissance, son enfance furent épouvantables et tout autre qui lui n'aurait pas survécu. Mais Grenouille n'avait besoin que d'...