Writer Richard Bard successfully combines the power of a thriller with the twist of science-fiction in "Brainrush," the first in his well received series. The combination is a well-executed and fast-moving novel that takes Jake Bronson (a former military pilot with a dose of darkness and anti-her...
This one starts off a tad slow (well compared to the first book and there is a bit of repetitive nature, as if the author thinks we forgot the information from the first book, but most sequel books tend to do that I suppose). The plot was similar and just as action-packed and once I got into it,...
Jason, the protagonist, battles the evil Battista once again to save America from certain doom as only he can. There are dangers from aliens, bio-terrorism, guns and lots of explosions--danger on every page. Bard is a fun author to read, and he's full of imagination. His imagination is both a ...