Bagi seseorang dengan daya ingat yang pendek, terutama soal nama, awalnya membaca kisah epik Mahabarata ini merupakan sebuah tantangan. Untungnya sang penulis, mungkin penerjemah dan penyunting juga, paham mengenai kerumitan nama Sansekerta ini sehingga membuatkan daftar tokoh dan tempat serta gl...
I find that many readers, including R.K. Narayan’s fans, are not aware of his autobiography. This review is an attempt to make them aware of its existence.To me, RKN is unique. He is one of the very few truly Indian writers of repute. A common man from an average family who wasn’t foreign educate...
Just when I was whimpering about my inability to read more books this year, something pushed me to start reading 'A Tiger for Malgudi', which I bought in last year's annual book exhibition. After almost a year of hibernation in my wardrobe, the tiger Raja chose to befriend me. :)I'm a big fan of ...