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Robin Bielman books

Robin Bielman
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Read Books by Robin Bielman


Worth the Risk (2012)

An enjoyable easy read, I read the whole thing in one afternoon on a sick day. Characters were well-conceived and believable to the extent that annoyingly perfect characters can be.A light and fluffy story, I thought the way Bielman built up to the rendezvous was just the right amount of steamy....

Worth the Risk (2012) by Robin Bielman

Her Accidental Boyfriend (2013)

Really cute contemporary romance set in the fictional town of Cascade, Oregon. Kagan is incognito, having fled New York, her domineering father, and the boring man he wants her to form a merger, er, a marriage with. Nobody in Cascade knows she's the daughter of a rich celebrity turned businessman...

Her Accidental Boyfriend (2013) by Robin Bielman

Yours at Midnight (2012)

While this is a short romance, I was pleasantly surprised by how complete I felt at its conclusion. It was exactly the right amount of sexy, wit, suspense, conflict, and character development. The writer did a lot more within her perimeters than other writers with lengthier stories. I didn’t feel...

Yours at Midnight (2012) by Robin Bielman

Kissing the Maid of Honor

Sela flinched and almost fell off the edge of the bleacher seat. “Nothing.”     “You are such a liar,” Kayla Ellis said. “You’re staring at Luke’s butt. I would be, too, if I wasn’t already married. He is one fine specimen of a man.”     “He is, right? I sh...

Kissing the Maid of Honor by Robin Bielman

Veiled Target (A Veilers Novel)

She’d helped save his life, but the fact was, he’d saved hers first. Without hesitation and without a second thought. Now he looked like there wasn’t much life left in him. Her heart dipped below her lungs. She didn’t want him to die.     Not yet.     Not l...

Veiled Target (A Veilers Novel) by Robin Bielman

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