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S.A. Bodeen books

S.A. Bodeen
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Books: 5 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.78

Read Books by S.A. Bodeen


The Compound (2008)

This book by S.A Bodeen was an overall good book. Some components that would appeal to most readers, would be all the suspense and excitement. But the slow start, and obnoxious protagonist keep this book from receiving all five stars. This book focuses on a wealthy family that was sent into a com...

The Compound (2008) by S.A. Bodeen

The Raft (2012)

GREAT COVER (SPOLIER ALERT) This story will spur some great dialog in any class. It is a story of survival, with lots of suspense. Robie is frustrating as a protagonist and it is I admit, difficult to root for her at first. How do you root for someone who won’t put on her life vest when t...

The Raft (2012) by S.A. Bodeen

Gardener, The (2010)

The Gardener is about a boy named mason who lives with his mom since he never did get to meet his father. The plot starts when he meets a mysterious girl who wakes up to the sound of his father reading “The Runaway Rabbit” on a recording that Mason carries around for consolation for his lack of a...

Gardener, The (2010) by S.A. Bodeen

Compound (2008)

Very good book. Good, distopian, very very mind racking.

Compound (2008) by S.A. Bodeen

The Fallout

Lexie ran into our father’s arms; Eddy right behind her. He squeezed both of them in an embrace. They stayed that way for a long moment, then they stepped slightly apart, Dad’s arms still around them. My gaze went from my father’s face to my sister’s to my brother’s.“Dad?” I took a step and found...

The Fallout by S.A. Bodeen

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