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Scott Mariani books

Scott Mariani
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Read Books by Scott Mariani


El secreto del alquimista (2010)

I don't know how to review this book... I got mixed feeling about it. I usually read James Rollins, Mathew Rielly novels etc which are full of non-stop action.For some reason this book was keep reminding me of the Bourne Identity book (even though it been so long since i read it and basically can...

El secreto del alquimista (2010) by Scott Mariani

The Fulcanelli Manuscript (2007)

Certain elements in this book are based on true stories historical details from the dark chapters in the Catholic Church and the the cruel murder of the Cathars. The well researched details are what make this book such an exciting read. Ben Hope is an action packed hero, who, because of past unha...

The Fulcanelli Manuscript (2007) by Scott Mariani

Rahasia Sang Alkemis [The Alchemist's Secret] (2011)

"Penggemar Dan Brown akan menyukai petualangan yang menegangkan ini." begitu komentar dari Closer Magazine yang tertulis di belakang novel ini.Well, petualangan Ben Hope dalam mencari manuskrip milik Fulcanelli, seorang ahli alkimia memang sedikit rumit, menegangkan, dan ya tentu saja menarik. Ke...

Rahasia Sang Alkemis [The Alchemist's Secret] (2011) by Scott Mariani

O Segredo do Alquimista (2011)

An ex army man with nothing but honest purposes in life (that is fictional enough for a start) goes on the search for a Fulcanelli manuscript. The book was enjoyable enough, fiction based on enough facts/people who are very real and interesting stories around them...the problem with Mariani (the ...

O Segredo do Alquimista (2011) by Scott Mariani

The Alchemist's Secret (2011)

The more I reflect on this book, the more I can't help thinking of it as a poor man's Da Vinci Code. Ben Hope, former SAS soldier, is sent on a quest to find the Elixir of Life to save a dying girl. Of course, he's faced with all sorts of obstacles on the way. And, of course, there just happens t...

The Alchemist's Secret (2011) by Scott Mariani

La conspiración Mozart (2011)

This is an enjoyable thriller with some exciting cliffhanger moments. The conspiracy mentioned in the title is not really developed, as the book is mainly concerned with getting our hero into and out of some dangerous situations. That said, he does it well. The female love interest is not particu...

La conspiración Mozart (2011) by Scott Mariani

The Mozart Conspiracy (2011)

The only reason that I have rated this book as 3 star is because even though, as an individual book,it is worth at least 4 star, it is structured too similarly to Mr Mariani's first novel in the Ben Hope series, The Alchemists Secret.However having said that, if you are seeking an action thriller...

The Mozart Conspiracy (2011) by Scott Mariani

The Hope Vendetta (2012)

I love Ben Hope and while I'm still disappointed with how Mariani ended "Mozart's Conspiracy", I still decided to read this hoping that it will a good one for Ben. Plot-wise and conflict, it is very engaging and Ben Hope have proven that it's really best if he works alone. He can accomplish a lot...

The Hope Vendetta (2012) by Scott Mariani

La profecía del día del Juicio Final (2012)

BEWARE of spoilers. One man's bookflap summary is another man's spoiler.There's something here for readers of both gender stereotypes: high body count and lead-per-minute for the guys; a handsome/accomplished/sensitive hero in Ben Hope, who is unattainable for the women who swoon over him -- not ...

La profecía del día del Juicio Final (2012) by Scott Mariani

A Profecia Do Juízo Final (2011)

Another all action thriller from Scott Mariani, this time revolving around the bible and a doomsday prophecy. A bit slow to get going, this one, and I never really warmed to the damsel in distress. Lots of overly gory fight scenes and a lot of stuff about specific types of weaponry, which bored m...

A Profecia Do Juízo Final (2011) by Scott Mariani

The Doomsday Prophecy (2009)

Tuve que continuar con la saga porque de verdad me gusta. Y me sigue gustando. Pienso que éste fue el más ambicioso de los que he leído, aunque no me atrapó tanto como los dos anteriores. En este, Ben Hope se trata de retirar de su «ajetreada vida», pero algo surge y tiene que volver a la marcha ...

The Doomsday Prophecy (2009) by Scott Mariani

De vloek van de farao (2011)

Ex SAS soldier Ben Hope is asked for help by his old comrade, investigating the death of his son, who had been in Cairo working on a project to unearth hidden treasure.Ben sets off to Egypt and what follows is a fast paced, action packed adventure, with plenty of twists and turns to keep the read...

De vloek van de farao (2011) by Scott Mariani

Relique (2014)

Highly readable. Tight narrative. The motivation for the entire plot a little unconvincing (the Faberge egg being the cause for all the murders). I also lost the connection of the three guys killed by rockets with the main plot (I thought I read the story without any skipping which I sometimes...

Relique (2014) by Scott Mariani

The Lost Relic (2011)

I enjoyed this book but probably not as much as I had hoped. Sure, there was plenty of action but I found the historical mystery was a bit, um, lame. Not that there was anything particularly wrong with it but just lacking on my opinion. I really enjoyed the way the story moved at a break neck ...

The Lost Relic (2011) by Scott Mariani

Passenger 13 (2011)

I’m wondering if I can claim some sort of compensation from Mr Mariani for the number of dinners I’ve burned because I picked up one of his books for ‘five minutes’ while things were cooking. They greatly accelerate the passage of time whilst simultaneously diverting the attention from, say, the ...

Passenger 13 (2011) by Scott Mariani

Star of Africa (Ben Hope, Book 13)

Waving coconut palms against the balmy sunset. The surf rolling in over the ribbon of white sand that was the last land eastwards between here and … wherever. The hotel manager had told him a lot of couples came here to be married. Ha. Good luck to ’em. The stupid suckers would still be paying fo...

Star of Africa (Ben Hope, Book 13) by Scott Mariani

Bring Him Back

The corporate brains behind the Indigo Project were clearly hot on secrecy, as Ben could tell from the disused state of the rendezvous point. Buildings and hangars stood empty amid patches of yellowed and weed-strewn grass that waved in the breeze. There wasn’t a soul about to witness the mysteri...

Bring Him Back by Scott Mariani

The Forgotten Holocaust (Ben Hope, Book 10)

His fumbling fingers closed on the sawn end of a length of four-by-four timber. He dragged it towards him. It felt as heavy as a lead pipe to his oxygen-starved muscles, and he cried out with the effort that it took to pick the piece of wood off the floor and drive its square end straight up like...

The Forgotten Holocaust (Ben Hope, Book 10) by Scott Mariani

The Nemesis Program (Ben Hope)

She spent a while musing over the numbers from Claudine’s letter, then put the crumpled sheet away and gazed pensively out of the window. Traffic thinned out to almost nothing as they left Paris behind, following the Alpina’s satnav system towards the ancestral home of Fabien De Bourg. They passe...

The Nemesis Program (Ben Hope) by Scott Mariani

THE TUNNEL: A Ben Hope Story

He stood there for a long moment, as still and poised as a statue, his head held nobly aloft and his magnificent twelve-point rack of antlers silhouetted against the streaks of fire in the sky.The stag surveyed the wintry, bleak wilderness that stretched for miles in all directions. Two centuries...

THE TUNNEL: A Ben Hope Story by Scott Mariani

Ben Hope 05 - The Shadow Project

Albert Einstein The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advances of science.     Adolf Hitler Table of Contents Cover Title Page Epigraph Prologue Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine C...

Ben Hope 05 - The Shadow Project by Scott Mariani

The Cassandra Sanction

Except that now it was dark outside, and all that could be seen in the glass were the reflections of the few diners scattered about the little restaurant’s mostly empty tables.Ben automatically scanned each face and assessed the threat. He wasn’t going to be caught out the way he had been in Frig...

The Cassandra Sanction by Scott Mariani

The Martyr's Curse

He was in quarantine, being kept under observation to see if he collapsed dead of whatever had afflicted Torben Roth and the other guy at the safe house in Lausanne. He supposed the same was being done with Silvie. Maybe she was just next door, in an identical room the other side of the tiled wal...

The Martyr's Curse by Scott Mariani

The Armada Legacy

‘Hey,’ Nico greeted him in a faint voice.‘How’s the leg?’ Ben asked.‘Hurts like a sonofabitch. Doc says I’ll be okay, though. Guess I have you to thank for that.’‘Yeah, well, I came to say goodbye. I’m leaving.’‘Leaving?’‘I know where she is.’Nico sat up in bed, blinking. ‘Whoa. Say what?’Ben qui...

The Armada Legacy by Scott Mariani

Sacred Sword (Ben Hope 7)

In stop-frame slow-motion, Ben saw Gant’s face split open and the blood fly from the impact of the kick. Felt his knee connect with his enemy’s ribs and the cold steel of the submachine gun in his hands as he wrestled it violently from the man’s grip. He heard the report of the first silenced pis...

Sacred Sword (Ben Hope 7) by Scott Mariani

DECOY (Kindle Single)

Back home, she checked in on Charlie, spent a few minutes chatting with Hayley, then retreated to her bedroom to do some scouting on the computer.     It didn’t take long to gather the details she needed from Kev Tribe’s locksmithing website. After shutting down the laptop, sh...

DECOY (Kindle Single) by Scott Mariani

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