Lots of space. Slade envisioned a stage at one end with the pulpit and old wooden pews lining an aisle as Garrett and Jenna, Lane and Natalie, and Wyatt and Star walked around the space. Excited chatter echoed through the emptiness dotted with a few hay bales. Their first stop on the potential-co...
Her voice sounded high. “Let me in before someone recognizes me.” She unlocked the door and he hurried inside, then she slid the bolt back in place. “Do you always work after dark?” “I got caught up wi...
Shots fired back and forth until it all became one giant, seemingly endless explosion, and Tori screamed until it stopped. Tires squealed away and several answered in pursuit. Silence. “We’re clear,” Mitch shouted. “He got away, but we’re in pursuit. Y’all okay?” &nb...
Warren. We’re transporting you there this evening.” The doctor checked something on his chart. “You mean I can’t go home?” “Your surgeon wants to stay on the safe side and keep you in the hospital until your surgery tomorrow.” &nbs...
Dreaming of Mitch again. But even in her dreams, he’d walked out on her. Again. She tried to call out to him, but her tongue lodged in her dry mouth and no sound came. If she could just open her eyes...but weights seemed to sit on each eyelid. Hot, so hot. Her leg was on f...