The holes were narrow slits, and clean. Exactly the sort of holes the sharp chisel in Hutchinson’s baggie might make. Jo took some notes, then pulled her phone out and walked away. She was on her way back to us when a mechanic strolled over and handed her a piece of paper. “This was under the wip...
He had three dog crates in the back of his van—two big ones side by side for Jay and Drake, and a medium for his yet-unnamed puppy girl. Hers was snugged up to theirs at a right angle, just behind the front seats. I smiled at a plastic caddy full of cleaning supplies—a spray bottle of water, anot...
Norm had a legal pad and the document that had ruined my previous evening laid out on the table next to his huevos rancheros and was switching back and forth between his fork and his pen. I wondered how long it would be before he stuck the nib of his eight-hundred dollar Montegrappa into his eggs...