The holes were narrow slits, and clean. Exactly the sort of holes the sharp chisel in Hutchinson’s baggie might make. Jo took some notes, then pulled her phone out and walked away. She was on her way back to us when a mechanic strolled over and handed her a piece of paper. “This was under the wiper.” Jo took it by the edges, read it, and turned it so I could see. My stomach did a half-gainer as I read YOU COULD BE NEXT, printed in large black letters. Jo pulled a plastic bag from a pocket in her notebook, slipped the warning into it, and zipped it shut. She gave me a look that made me think of Mom. “You call me if anything—I mean anything—strange happens again. Keep your eyes open and be careful.” I resisted the urge to glance over my shoulder right then. When Jo was gone, Connie and I strolled back into the mall, figuring it would be better to walk than to sit in the gritty waiting room, even though the frazzled mother and her noisy mob had left.
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