“Captain, we’re orbiting the third planet.” Groaning, he rolled over and pressed the commlink. “It’s called Terra. Put us in orbit over our guests’ point of origin and ask them to the bridge. I’ll be right there. And wake Lawrona up,” he added, rolling to his feet. “But sir, he just went to his c...
What seemed a blue-uniformed captain of the Exarch's Guard stood before the ruler of D'Lin, pistol on his hip, black boots gleaming."Problem?" said Y'Gar. He touched the neat pile of papers on his desk. "Processing is almost complete. There's been no resistance, little suspicion ...""The problem ...
She was struggling from beneath two large male components, cheek bleeding from a shallow cut. "There was trouble with the overmind," said the machine. "And the last R'Actolian?" asked N'Trol, pulling A'Tir to her feet. "S'Hdag escaped, Lord. A pod-modified, jump-enabled scout craft." "Are the mas...
Looks like a jungle. Sounds like a jungle," said McShane, arm sweeping the surrounding greenery."Not a jungle," said D'Trelna, holding up the small, flat surveyor, amber readout toward McShane.The Terran squinted at it. " 'Flora—none. Fauna—none.' So?" he shrugged. "If we'd believed all your nice...