“Captain, we’re orbiting the third planet.” Groaning, he rolled over and pressed the commlink. “It’s called Terra. Put us in orbit over our guests’ point of origin and ask them to the bridge. I’ll be right there. And wake Lawrona up,” he added, rolling to his feet. “But sir, he just went to his cabin.” “He’s young, he’s thin—he doesn’t need much sleep.” “We’ll set you down with the landing party,” said Detrelna to the Terrans a few moments later. The bags under their eyes told of sleeplessness. In their boots, I’d be sleepless, too, he thought. “I’d appreciate your showing Subcommander Kiroda the site and acting as liaison when local authorities arrive.” “You anticipate detection?” asked John. The captain nodded. “Implacable’s shielded, but the shuttle’s not. It will knife past your air defenses before an interceptor can launch. But its landing point will be quickly found.” He chuckled. “I’d like to be in your defense headquarters for the next few hours.