Det är bara att överlåta sig till den här boken helt och hållet. Sem-Sandberg drar in mig i misären och det förryckta hoppet som råder i Lodz. Jag lever på något sätt hela tiden i en känsla av att det blir värre, eftersom man känner till förintelselägrena, samtidigt känner jag den totala nöden oc...
At that time of the afternoon, the sun is at its highest, and the whole expanse of stone between the buildings on either side of the yard is turned into a well of scalding hot, white light. Only later in the afternoon does a narrow shadow start to edge from the long row of sheds and outbuildings ...
Generally, remembering is hard for him. The others agree. It is as if their memories are somehow smudged, or as if much of what was once stored has been corroded. When Ziegler is shown photographs of the boys, he recognises most of them but can’t for the life of him work out where or when he has ...