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Susin Nielsen books

Susin Nielsen
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Books: 6 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.22

Read Books by Susin Nielsen


Les maux d'Ambroise Bukowski (2000)

Ambrose is a quirky, Scrabble loving, 12 year-old, with a seriously over protective mother. He has a hard time making new friends because of frequent moves his disgruntled, tenure-chasing mother makes, from one disappointing, sessional teaching job to another. However, an unlikely companionship w...

Les maux d'Ambroise Bukowski (2000) by Susin Nielsen

Moi Ambrose roi du scrabble (2012)

I found this author late. I had seen this book in the library for years but I never picked it up. A few colleagues had read the book and raved about it but I was resistant. This also held true for her latest book, The Journal of Henry K. Larsen where I just did not like the cover. However, wi...

Moi Ambrose roi du scrabble (2012) by Susin Nielsen

Lieber George Clooney, bitte heirate meine Mutter (2013)

2.5 stars. I think Violet's emotions surrounding her parents' divorce, her mom's suitors and her step-family are captured really well but some of the other characters fell short. I didn't enjoy many of the pop culture/product references (maybe I don't know enough kids but the only Converse-obsess...

Lieber George Clooney, bitte heirate meine Mutter (2013) by Susin Nielsen

Dear George Clooney, Tu Veux Pas Épouser Ma Mère ? (2011)

I finished this in one day! I thought it was a lovely and endearing story! Love how all the main character starts to mature and starts to forgive her family! I liked the incorporation of George Clooney in the book! I learnt that we should not hold grudges against people because that will affect y...

Dear George Clooney, Tu Veux Pas Épouser Ma Mère ? (2011) by Susin Nielsen

We Are All Made of Molecules (2015)

Not my whole life, but certain moments. Like this morning. When I walked through the front doors of the school, it would have been perfect if it had been filmed in slow motion, with a wind machine blowing my long brown hair back, and a great pop song playing in the background. ’Cause it was that ...

We Are All Made of Molecules (2015) by Susin Nielsen

The Reluctant Journal of Henry K. Larsen (2012)

Larsen MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4 INTRIGUING FACT: The most poisonous animals on earth are often the most colorful. Why? Because they want to be seen. That way predators have to eat only a couple of them before their buddies go, “Hang on. If I eat this colorful dart frog/coral snake/monarch butterfly, I’...

The Reluctant Journal of Henry K. Larsen (2012) by Susin Nielsen

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