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Teresa Mummert books

Teresa Mummert
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3.7 of 5 Votes: 4
Books: 15 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.03

Read Books by Teresa Mummert


Honor Student (2012)

2.5**This is one of those stories that had so much potential to be great. You have Mr. Honor who is a college professor and 21yr old Emma, who can't wait to graduate. The problem I had with this story is not believable. I wanted to believe but it was to rushed and parts were choppy. If your ratin...

Honor Student (2012) by Teresa Mummert

White Trash Beautiful (2013)

Beautiful love story. Say what you will about Tucker falling too fast in love with our damaged and beaten heroine. I don't care. He saw something in her that she couldn't see in herself. It was fast but it was slow at the same time. The plot is simple and yet the depth of the emotions was co...

White Trash Beautiful (2013) by Teresa Mummert

Honor Thy Teacher (2012)

I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! I like it! ...

Honor Thy Teacher (2012) by Teresa Mummert

Honor and Obey (2012)

I can honestly say this man is seriously F***ed up haha he's going to great lengths to keeping her by making her alone to only have him to come to but not only that but he manipulated her to marry him! psh just so she can never leave him. lol For the first time in out of hundreds of books I've re...

Honor and Obey (2012) by Teresa Mummert

White Trash Damaged (2013)

We pick up right where we left on in White Trash Beautiful with Cass and Tucker adjusting to their relationship and life on the road in the tour bus. Dealing with Tuckers fame and busy schedule bringing out Cass' insecurities along the way as well as her Dad coming back into the picture and deali...

White Trash Damaged (2013) by Teresa Mummert

Meurtrie (2000)

My 2 star rating has more to do with content/storyline and character traits than it does the actual writing style. I felt that the storyline was very cliche and at times a bit whiney. I also feel like both Cass & Tucker lost their balls in this one compared to the first. Where Cass was strong and...

Meurtrie (2000) by Teresa Mummert

Rellik (2000)

I enjoyed reading this book, but I have to say that I was a little wigged out by how easily Rellik resorted to murder. I understood his motivation, but felt like I would have liked him better if he was not so sadistic. I also thought it was really creepy that he found himself so "in love" with ...

Rellik (2000) by Teresa Mummert

A Song for Us (2000)

I was really bored with this one. I started reading it and it wasn't catching my interest so I though listening to it on audio would really help me get into it. it worked for a few chapters before my mind kept wandering and I kept having to rewind it to catch what I missed.Eric and Sarah had this...

A Song for Us (2000) by Teresa Mummert


I screamed into the vast woods. My voice echoed back to me through the rustling of the leaves. I fell against a large tree and rubbed my sore aching head. It was hard to tell if the fog was real or in my imagination. Was any of this real? Was I already dead?     “Elijah?” I ye...

Crave by Teresa Mummert

Hollow (Hollow Point #1)

I asked as I made my way across the site, looking through the crowd for Tatum.     “Five minutes,” Ivory replied, and I hung up as soon as I saw Ezra.     “Take a walk, Tatum,” I said, my eyes locked on Ezra’s over her shoulder. “Go find Cadence.”  &nb...

Hollow (Hollow Point #1) by Teresa Mummert

Breaking Sin

Collin pulled me closer to him but I would scoot away as soon as he did.  “I’m sorry” He whispered in my ear. I pushed him away and looked out the window. He took his hand and wrapped his fingers in mine. His knuckles were bloody and swollen.  We made it to the house without fighting. I stalked o...

Breaking Sin by Teresa Mummert

The Death of Lila Jane

I could never be like them. He was right. I couldn’t be like them and I didn’t want to be. I didn’t have it in my heart to be so cruel and indifferent.     Walking across the quiet street as the sun slowly began to creep up over the buildings, it felt like I was on another pla...

The Death of Lila Jane by Teresa Mummert

Suicide Note

I blinked as the daylight assaulted me and my fingers became tangled in a mass of hair. I held my breath as I lifted my head to look down. Jenn groaned and adjusted her leg over my waist. I smiled and rubbed over her head as I relaxed back onto the pillow.“Too early,” she moaned.“Shh…” I whispere...

Suicide Note by Teresa Mummert

Perfect Lie

Nothing had changed since high school, not since Brock had been taken away from me. Bullies don’t grow out of it; they just get older, and I grew more tired. I walked into the house, ready to tell Trish that she was a slut and that I’d heard what she had said about me, but I found her passed out ...

Perfect Lie by Teresa Mummert

The Good Girls

Cara asked with a giggle as her eyes went from Brody to me.     “It’s all right.” I shrugged, and she winked in response. Why did that tiny gesture send shivers through my body?     “You need a drink?” Tristan asked Cara. She nodded in response before he lo...

The Good Girls by Teresa Mummert

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