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Read Meurtrie (2000)

Meurtrie (2000)

Online Book

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Meurtrie (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

My 2 star rating has more to do with content/storyline and character traits than it does the actual writing style. I felt that the storyline was very cliche and at times a bit whiney. I also feel like both Cass & Tucker lost their balls in this one compared to the first. Where Cass was strong and self-sufficient in book #1, she felt weak and extremely naive in book #2. Tucker was such a pushover and let others dictate his actions.There was constant bickering between the characters throughout the entire book and nothing ever felt truly resolved. Simply swept under the rug for later. I don't mind conflict, but can't the characters be happy for a given period of time before the next "problem" arises??Because of all this, I found myself somewhat annoyed and less concerned with Cass & Tucker, and more interested in the rest of the band... I'm left feeling kinda disappointed in a rock star book. They've never let me down before, but they have now. Tucker was amazing and I love the band so much and am really excited for Eric's story. A lot of this story was hard to take. First, Eric just took so quick to Cass and she really didn't have to work for it. With his anger, I thought he'd be a little harder to break through. Cass....I respect her for her past so much, but she is so weak. She is such a pushover and just has no backbone at all. She annoyed me most of the book. This would have been better if she showed some maturity and has some strength. She went through hell, but only to be weak it seemed. I still feel like she never found herself, just who she belonged with.

What do You think about Meurtrie (2000)?

love a truly good male lead... we always expect them to mess up and he is truly a great guy

Another perfect installment!! Can't wait for the next!

Actual rating: 3.5 - 3.75

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